“Spread the Facts. Stay Home. Stay Healthy. Stay Happy."

Here are some resources to stay informed and what you can do to maintain your well-being as well as others:

Basic guidelines to follow-

Do your part. Washington residents must stay at home, except for emergency travel or essential needs. This also means not having friends or family over for dinner parties or get-togethers.
Essential needs may include travel to grocery stores and food banks, pharmacies, gas stations, urgent or emergency medical care, caring for an elderly or sick family member, and travel to work for essential staff as defined by state or local authorities.
Law enforcement’s primary role is education and engagement with the community. Officers will work to educate the public about how to best comply with stay-at-home orders and keep themselves safe. Our communities have shown they understand the severity of the situation are doing all they can already to keep themselves, their families and neighbors safe and healthy. No law enforcement agencies have any desire to make any arrests or take anybody to jail for violations.
Freight travel with supplies for grocery stores will continue. People should not give in to the impulse to overstock. When people buy more than they need it means the people who need supplies most – such as health workers and seniors – are forced to go without. Grocery shelves will remain stock if everyone sticks to their normal buying habits and doesn’t buy more than two-weeks of supplies at a time.
Discretionary travel is limited to managing urgent needs such as helping an elderly neighbor purchase groceries or providing care or support to a sick family member, for example.
Maintain social distancing at all times when in public. Staying six-feet apart from one another is absolutely crucial to preventing the spread of the coronavirus. 
We know most people understand why this action is necessary and are prepared to comply with this action. State and local leaders have worked with law enforcement officials to ensure residents are aware of this restriction if they are traveling for reasons other than essential needs.

News and information

What Gov. Inslee’s new ‘stay-at-home’ order does and doesn’t restrict:

Inslee’s “Stay Home - Stay Healthy” Proclamation in full:

King County releases new health and safety guidelines to child care providers:
Boeing to halt work at Puget Sound factories:
Alaska cuts flights, CEO salary:
King County Regional Donations Connector – New clearinghouse has already connected donors to frontline efforts including 40,000 PPE items (thank you Facebook!) bulk food, and meals for 1st Responders. 
The American Red Cross faces severe blood shortage due to an unprecedented number of cancellations. If you are healthy and feeling well, please make an appointment by visiting or call: 1-800-733-2767.


Public Health-Seattle & King County

Public Health Insider news release (March 24) highlights:

Everyone, even people who are young and healthy, must stay home to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
King County area COVID-19 numbers as of March 24 = 1,277 confirmed cases (+107); 94 deaths (+7)
New local system launched to learn how COVID-19 virus is spreading.

Reminder:  Register your email address to follow the Insider blog site and receive news updates directly.


State of Washington – Governor’s Office and other departments

Department of Health issues regular e-newsletter bulletins. Sign-up and manage your subscription preferences.
Reminder: Department of Health released new Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) distribution guidelines.

Reminder: Department of Enterprise Services has a system in place to accept donations of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).


COVID-19 key hubs of online information and resources:
Federal and